We are proud to have supported people with cancer for 30+ years completely free of charge, but this means we are reliant on funding and the efforts of our volunteers - plus you, the community to keep our services going.

Our shop gives us much-needed income to keep us doing what we love.

We’re delighted to stock bestselling novels, much sought-after films and workout DVDs, plus an excellent range of clothes and oddments that make perfect gifts you can’t find anywhere else.

The Holistic Cancer Centre Shop Moreton
The Holistic Cancer Centre Shop Moreton

Our shop is located at:

290 Hoylake Road in Moreton, Wirral CH46 6AF

We’re happy to welcome you any time from Monday – Saturday, 10am - 4pm to browse our great selection of products, kindly donated by our community.

Or if you just want to pop in and chat with us about getting involved, we’ll pop the kettle on!
